Custom Export Tool

Easily access data without a developer

Our Custom Export tool allows you to get the data you want in the format you need, so you can quickly turn insights into action.

Save time

Save time by identifying your key targets early on.
Effortlessly search the entire app store and add up to
10 apps, publishers, or companies to export.

Get the metrics you need

Extract only the most actionable insights. Pinpoint the metrics you need for your analysis and enjoy the ease of pre-calculated growth rates.

Divide up the world

Focus on what matters. Select the countries or regions most important to your business growth.

Customize the output

Group the data by country, region, or custom aggregation. Then, choose your desired granularity.

Let us do your data prep

Make your data work for you. Split it at the app level or the publisher/company level. View it by store (Apple, Google Play), or see it unified.

Go back in time

Understand the market's evolution. Confidently spot trends by viewing up to five years of historical data.

Never miss a new development

Easily manage or update your export from the library:

  • Edit the name or any configuration options
  • Download the .xlsx file (individually or a group in a .zip file)
  • Refresh the export to get data up to yesterday
  • Delete the export if you no longer need it